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TREP (Tumori rari dell’età pediatrica) Project (video clip in Italian)
The Celeghin Foudation supports the research on pediatric very rare tumors
The Giovanni Celeghin Foundation, established in 2012 in Padua, pursues as its primary objective fund-raising in favour of research projects on the oncological diseases. Its main focus is on brain tumours but also on rare neoplasia, especially those in the early...
A large clinical research on children and adolescents with thymic tumors has been published by the ExpeRT group
Thymoma and thymic carcinoma in children and adolescents: a report from the European Cooperative Study Group for Pediatric Rare Tumors (EXPeRT). Eur J Cancer. 2015 Nov;51(16):2444-52. Authors: Stachowicz-Stencel T, Orbach D, Brecht I, Schneider D, Bien E, Synakiewicz...