The VTB will accept requests from the physician who is responsible for the patient’s care or from the VRT national coordinator. The physician will go through an identification procedure.
Parents, patients or other not professionals are not allowed to ask for advice and will be invited to submit their requests, however, through the responsible physician. This restriction is required in order to assure reliable source data and meaningful consultations processes.
Request concerning more frequent tumours will not be considered, as well as general request of information or help.
Requests could be send in two ways:
- Using a form that has been prepared – and will continuously be updated – detailing the minimum information requested for advice. All requested information must be sent to the Advisory Desk
- Using a virtual consultation system (VCS) internet based that allow to send patients information and upload reports and images.
Material has to be submitted, exclusively in English language.
_Due to reasons of privacy protection and patient security, you will be asked to provide us with your institutional affiliation, institutional e-mail address, position, and specialty which we will then verify prior to enabling you to register your first query.
_The request of advice to the VRT board must be sent after written informed consent has been obtained from the patient, parent or legal guardian.
_The request of consent is left to the treating physician in agreement with the local rule.
_The treating physician will confirm in the consultation form that the patient/legal tutor has been informed about the advice request and have agreed on the procedure including the possibility for the Advisory Desk to store data, ask further data including follow up information and use data for future consultation and analysis.
In order for this service to be of greatest value to you, we ask you to be as thorough as possible in completing the registration form and make every effort to upload supporting information where relevant (eg radiology and pathology images).
Please bear in mind that the responsibility for patient care ultimately rests with the treating physician.
Request concerning more frequent tumours will not be considered, as well as general request of information or help.
In case of problem in accessing the VCS you can contact the central Advisory Desk in Dortmund
Tel: +49-231-953 21680
The virtual consultation system is a deliverable of the ExPO-r-Net project that has been funded by The European Union in the framework of the Health Programme (2008-2013), grant 201312 07
The technological support to create the system has been provided by CINECA ( Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord-Est per il Calcolo Automatico) Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna Italy