Key success factors to achieve these objectives
Both at the European and national levels, there is a need for better integration,
coordination and improved long-term sustainability of research. This is especially true
when EU funding is more fragmented.
Commitment from all funding bodies to fund projects and structures relevant to these
objectives (including the European Commission, national funding bodies, charities,
industry, and investors).
The profile of paediatric haematology-oncology in the European cancer agenda should be
strengthened, and its visibility increased through a more efficient communication strategy.
A strong partnership with parents, patients and survivors, including better communication
and dissemination of information.
Levels of collaboration with adult oncology should be improved.
Being part of the global paediatric oncology agenda and developing further collaborations
with other continents.
Building intelligent and transparent partnerships with industry.
Effective and appropriate European regulations are vital and must be encouraged and
engaged with.
Objective 1:
Innovative treatments
To introduce safe and effective innovative
treatments (i.e. new drugs, new technologies)
into standard care.
Innovative oncology drugs with new mechanisms of
action (MOA) are already available for adult cancers,
and can be more effective than traditional drugs in
several refractory malignancies.
The field of drug development is currently expanding beyond well-studied areas like signalling
pathways, to target patient’s immune system, as well as their unique genetic profile and
metabolism. Despite recent EU regulatory initiatives that changed the landscape of paediatric
drug development in Europe for the better, access of children and adolescents with cancer to
innovative therapies remains insufficient and slow [7].
From AIEOP. Credit Attilio Rossetti photographer, Italy